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Vacation of office on account of non-attendance.

9.(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), if a councillor fails, throughout a
period of three consecutive months, to attend any meeting of the council, he
shall, unless the failure was due to some reason approved by the council,
cease to be a councillor.

(2) Attendance as a member at a meeting of any committee or sub-committee of
the council, or at a meeting of any joint committee to which any of the
functions of the council have been delegated, shall be deemed for the purposes
of subsection (1) to be attendance at a meeting of the council.

(3) A member of any branch of Her Majesty's naval, military or air forces,
when employed during war or any emergency on any naval, military or air force
service, and a person whose employment in the service of Her Majesty in
connection with war or any emergency is such as, in the opinion of
the Ministry, would entitle his absence to be excused, shall not cease by
virtue of subsection (1) to be a councillor by reason only of his failure to
attend meetings of the council if that failure is attributable to that

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