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Supplementary provisions as to rights of entry and inspection.

24.(1) A person authorised under section 23 to enter upon any land, vessel or
vehicle shall, if so required, produce evidence of his authority before so

(2) A person so authorised may take with him onto the land, vessel or vehicle
in question such other persons, and such equipment, as may be necessary.

(3) Admission to any land used for residential purposes, and admission with
heavy equipment to any other land, shall not except in an emergency be
demanded under section 23(1) unless seven days' notice in writing of the
intended entry has been given to the occupier.

(4) Any person who, in the exercise of his powers under section 23, enters any
premises which are unoccupied or premises of which the occupier is temporarily
absent, shall leave the premises as effectually secured against trespassers as
he found them.

(5) Any person who wilfully obstructs a person acting in the exercise of his
powers under section 23 shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary
conviction to a fine not exceeding #100.

(6) Where in the exercise of any power conferred by section 23 any damage is
caused to land or to chattels, any person interested in the land or chattels
shall be entitled to compensation in respect of the damage from the Ministry;
and where in consequence of the exercise of any such power any person is
disturbed in his enjoyment of any land or chattels, he shall be entitled to
compensation in respect of the disturbance from the Ministry.

(7) Any dispute as to the amount of any compensation under subsection (6)
shall be determined by the Lands Tribunal.

(8) If any person who, under section 23, is admitted into a factory, workshop
or workplace discloses to any person any information obtained by him therein
with regard to any manufacturing process or trade secret he shall, unless the
disclosure is made in the performance of his duty, be liable on summary
conviction to a fine not exceeding #100, or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three months, or both.

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