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Northern Irish Legislation

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Conditions of compensation.

4. Where, in the case of any holding, there are several persons standing in
the relation to each other of landlord and tenant, the following provisions
shall apply:

Any mesne landlord against whom a claim arises under this Act shall, at the
end of his term, be entitled to claim compensation against his immediate
landlord in like manner and on the same conditions as if he had himself made
the improvements in question:

A mesne landlord shall not be entitled to make a claim under this section
unless he has, within the time and in the manner prescribed, sent to his
immediate landlord or his agent copies of all documents relating to proposed
improvements or claims which have been sent to him, in pursuance of the last
preceding section. The said immediate landlord shall thereupon have, in
addition to the mesne landlord, the powers conferred by or in pursuance of the
last preceding section in like manner as if he were the immediate landlord of
the occupying tenant, and shall, in the manner and to the extent prescribed,
be bound by the proceedings.

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