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Northern Irish Legislation

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Commissioners may cause public conveniences to be erected.

95. The commissioners shall appoint and employ a sufficient number of
scavengers, or contract with any company or other person to employ scavengers,
for sweeping, cleansing, and watering the street, and for removing all dust,
ashes, rubbish, and filth therefrom, and from the houses and tenements
therein, and for emptying privies and cesspools, in the manner by this or the
special Act directed; and such scavengers shall, on such days and at such
hours and in such manner as the commissioners from time to time appoint,
sufficiently execute all such works and duties as they have respectively
contracted or been employed to perform; and every such contractor who fails to
sweep and properly cleanse or water any street which he has contracted to
sweep, cleanse, or water, or who fails to clean out and empty any privy,
cesspool, or sewer which he has contracted to clean out and empty, at the time
and in the manner appointed by the commissioners, or to collect or remove any
dirt, ashes, or rubbish which he has contracted to remove, at the time and in
the manner prescribed by the commissioners for that purpose, or who lays any
of such soil, dust, ashes, rubbish, or filth in any other place than such as
are appointed by the commissioners for that purpose, shall for every such
offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds.

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