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Northern Irish Legislation

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Commissioners may abandon or alter intended works.

86. Any person liable to pay or to contribute towards the expence of any of
the works aforesaid, or otherwise aggrieved by any order of the commissioners
relating thereto, may, at any time within seven days next after the making of
any such order, give notice in writing to the commissioners that he intends to
appeal against such order to the court of quarter sessions holden next after
the expiration of ten days next after such notice, and along with such notice
he shall give a statement in writing of the grounds of the appeal; and if
within four days next after giving such notice the party enter into a
recognizance before some justice, with two sufficient sureties, conditioned to
try the appeal, and abide the order of the court, and pay such costs as shall
be awarded by the court thereupon, the work so appealed against shall not be
begun until after the judgment of the court upon such appeal; and such court,
upon due proof of such notice and of such recognizance having been given and
entered into, shall hear and determine the matter of the appeal, and shall
make such order thereon, either confirming, quashing, or varying the same, and
shall award such costs to either of the parties, as the court in its
discretion thinks fit: Provided always, that the appellant shall not be heard
in support of such appeal unless such notice and statement shall have been
given and such recognizance entered into as aforesaid, nor on the hearing of
such appeal shall he go into evidence of any other grounds of appeal than
those set forth in such statement as aforesaid.

And with respect to cleansing the streets:

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