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Northern Irish Legislation

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Commissioners may sell the materials for payment of expences, restoring to the owner the overplus arising from the sale.

78. If any such house or building as aforesaid, or any part of the same, be
pulled down by virtue of the powers aforesaid, the commissioners may sell the
materials thereof, or so much of the same as shall be pulled down, and apply
the proceeds of such sale in payment of the expences incurred in respect of
such house or building; and the commissioners shall restore any overplus
arising from such sale to the owner of such house or building, on demand;
nevertheless, the commissioners, although they sell such materials for the
purposes aforesaid, shall have the same remedies for compelling the payment of
so much of the said expences as may remain due after the application of the
proceeds of such sale as are herein-before given to them for compelling the
payment of the whole of the said expences.

And with respect to precautions during the construction and repair of the
sewers, streets, and houses:

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