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Northern Irish Legislation

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Buildings to be erected under any lease or agreement to be built as required by this or the special Act, without compensation.

214. The commissioners shall at all times after the expiration of six months
after the passing of the special Act keep in their principal office of
business a copy of the special Act, printed by the printers to Her Majesty, or
some of them, and shall also within the space of such six months deposit in
the office of the [chief clerk for the county court division] in which the
town or district within the limits of the special Act is situated a copy of
such special Act, so printed as aforesaid; and the said [chief clerk] shall
receive, and he and the commissioners respectively shall retain, the said
copies of the special Act, and shall permit all persons interested to inspect
the same, and make extracts or copies therefrom, in the like manner, and upon
the like terms, and under the like penalty for defaults, as is provided in the
case of certain plans and sections by the Parliamentary Documents Deposit Act,

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