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8.(1) Any document drawn up in pursuance of Article seven or Article ten of
the Schedule to this Act shall be admissible in any proceeding, civil or
criminal, as prima8 facie evidence of the facts or matters therein stated.

(2) If evidence contained in any such document was taken on oath in the
presence of the person charged in such evidence, and such person had an
opportunity of cross-examining the person giving such evidence and of making
his reply to such evidence, the officer drawing up such document may certify
the said facts, or any of them.

(3) Any document or certificate in this section mentioned purporting to be
signed by an officer authorised to act under the Schedule to this Act for
carrying into effect the Convention, shall be admissible in evidence without
proof of such signature, and, if purporting to be signed by any other person,
shall, if certified by any such officer to have been so signed, be deemed
until the contrary is proved to have been signed by such other person.

(4) If any person forges the signature of any such officer to any such
document as above mentioned, or makes use of any such document knowing the
signature thereto to be forged, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanour
and liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
three months....

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