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Northern Irish Legislation

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72.(1) If a solicitor who has been retained by a client to conduct contentious
business requests the client to make a payment of a sum of money being a
reasonable sum on account of the costs incurred or to be incurred in the
conduct of that business and the client refuses or fails within a reasonable
time to make that payment, such refusal or failure shall, notwithstanding any
rule of law to the contrary, be deemed to be a good cause whereby the
solicitor may, upon giving reasonable notice to the client, withdraw from the

(2) On any application for an order declaring that the solicitor has ceased to
be the solicitor acting for the party in the cause or matter which is the
subject of the contentious business referred to in paragraph (1), the court
may determine whether the sum requested by the solicitor was reasonable and
whether the client has failed to make the payment within a reasonable time.

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