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Northern Irish Legislation

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27.(1) Where

(a)a complaint is made to the Lord Chief Justice that a solicitor has wilfully
and knowingly

(i)acted as agent in any action, suit, matter or transaction for any
unqualified person; or

(ii)permitted his name to be in any way made use of in any action, suit,
matter or transaction upon the account, or for the profit, of any unqualified
person; or

<(iii)sent any process to an unqualified person; or

<(iv)done any other act so as to enable an unqualified person to appear, act or practise in any respect, as a solicitor in any action, suit, matter or transaction; and

(b)the matter of the complaint is proved to the satisfaction of the Lord Chief

(2) Upon complaint and proof being made under paragraph (1) the Lord Chief
Justice may commit an unqualified person so appearing, acting or practising as
aforesaid to prison, for any term not exceeding one year.

(3) This Article shall not apply where the solicitor is acting by virtue of an
appointment made pursuant to Article 32.

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