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47.(1) Where a complaint is made under sub-paragraph (c), (d) or (e) of
Article 44(1) the Disciplinary Committee

(a)if they decide that a prima facie case has not been shown, shall so notify
the complainant and the solicitor and take no further action; or

(b)if they decide that a prima facie case has been shown shall serve on the

(i)a copy of the complaint;

(ii)a copy of the affidavit;

<(iii)copies or, at the discretion of the Disciplinary Committee, a list of the relevant documents; and

<(iv)a notice requiring the solicitor to send to the Disciplinary Committee, within a specified period, an affidavit by him in answer to the complaint, together with any documents, or duly authenticated copies thereof, on which he may rely in support of his answer.

(2) Where a notice is served under paragraph (1)(b)(iv), any party to the
complaint may inspect the documents furnished by any other party.

(3) After the expiration of the period specified in a notice served under
paragraph (1)(b)(iv), the Disciplinary Committee shall consider such (if any)
affidavit and documents as have been furnished by the solicitor and

(a)if they decide that there is no cause for further inquiry shall so notify
the complainant and the solicitor and shall take no further action; or

(b)if they decide that there is cause for inquiry, shall hold an inquiry.

(4) Where a complainant or a solicitor against whom a complaint is made has
been notified under paragraph (1)(a) or paragraph (3)(a), the Disciplinary
Committee shall, if so required in writing by the complainant or the
solicitor, make a formal order embodying their decision.

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