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Northern Irish Legislation

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40.(1) At any time after the death of a solicitor who immediately before his
death was practising as a sole solicitor whether in his own name or in a firm
name the Council may, if they think fit, by notice inform the personal
representatives of such solicitor and any bank with whom a banking account in
the name of the solicitor or his firm (being an account in the title of which
the word "client" is required by regulations made under Article 33, to appear)
is kept, that the provisions of this Article shall apply to such banking
account and on the date of the service of such notices (or if the notices are
served on different dates, on the date of the service of the last notice) the
right to operate on or otherwise deal with such banking account shall,
notwithstanding any enactment or rule of law to the contrary, vest in the
Society to the exclusion of any personal representatives of such solicitor and
shall be exercisable as from such date as aforesaid.

(2) For the purpose of this Article a certificate signed by the secretary and
certifying that a banking account is an account in the title of which the word
"client" is required by such regulations as aforesaid to appear shall be
evidence of the matter certified.

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