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Board of Trade may postpone the opening.

6. If the officer or officers appointed by the lords of the said committee to
inspect any such railway or portion of railway shall, after inspection
thereof, report in writing to the lords of the said committee that in his or
their opinion the opening of the same would be attended with danger to the
public using the same, by reason of the incompleteness of the works or
permanent way, or the insufficiency of the establishment for working such
railway, together with the grounds of such opinion, it shall be lawful for the
lords of the said committee, and so from time to time, as often as such
officers shall after further inspection thereof so report, to order and direct
the company, to whom such railway shall belong, to postpone such opening for
any period not exceeding one calendar month at any one time, until it shall
appear to the lords of the said committee that such opening may take place
without danger to the public; and if any such railway, or any portion thereof,
shall be opened contrary to any such order and direction of the lords of the
said committee, the company, to whom such railway shall belong, shall forfeit
to Her Majesty the sum of twenty pounds for every day during which the same
shall continue open contrary to such order and direction; and any such penalty
may be recovered in any of Her Majesty's courts of record ...: Provided
always, that no such order as aforesaid shall be binding upon any railway
company unless therewith shall be delivered to the said company a copy of the
report of the officer or officers on which such order shall be founded.

Ss.7, 8 rep. by 1871 c.78 s.17 sch.2

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