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Northern Irish Legislation

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Powers of making branch communication with passenger railways, and of entering upon them with locomotive engines, to be regulated by the Board of Trade.

12. Recital (which refers to powers of laying down branch lines opening into
main lines, and of entering and passing along such main lines with carriages
and waggons drawn by locomotives, and powers to form roads or railways across
existing railways on the level, given by various Acts to owners and occupiers
of lands adjoining the railway, and to other persons with their consent) rep.
by SLR 1890 (No. 2). If in the case of any railway on which passengers are
conveyed by steam or other mechanical power, it shall appear to the lords of
the said committee that such power as aforesaid cannot be so exercised without
seriously endangering the public safety, and that an arrangement may be made
with a due regard to existing rights of property, it shall be lawful for the
lords of the said committee to order and direct that such powers shall only be
exercised subject to such conditions as the lords of the said committee shall
direct: Provided always, that no railway shall be considered a passenger
railway if two thirds or more of the gross annual revenue of such railway
shall be derived from the carriage thereon of coals, ironstone, or other
metals or minerals.

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