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Northern Irish Legislation

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19.(1) If

(a)a court makes an order for possession of a dwelling-house from a tenant;

(b)the order is made by virtue of Article 13(1)(a) or (b),

(2) Where a protected or statutory tenancy of a dwelling-house is determined,
either as a result of an order for possession or for any other reason, any
sub-tenant to whom the dwelling-house or any part of it has been lawfully
sub-let shall, subject to the provisions of this Order, be deemed to become
the tenant of the landlord on the same terms as he would have held from the
tenant if the tenant's protected or statutory tenancy had continued.

(3) Where a dwelling-house

(a)forms part of premises which have been let as a whole on a superior letting
but do not constitute a dwelling-house let on a protected tenancy or subject
to a statutory tenancy; and

(b)is itself let on a protected tenancy, or subject to a statutory tenancy,

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