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Northern Irish Legislation

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14.(1) Subject to paragraph (5), a court may adjourn, for such period or
periods as it thinks fit, proceedings for possession of a dwelling-house which
is let on a protected tenancy or subject to a statutory tenancy.

(2) On the making of an order for possession of such a dwelling-house or at
any time before the enforcement of such an order (whether made before or after
the commencement of this Order), the court, subject to paragraph (5), on the
application of the tenant or of the tenant's spouse if that spouse is
occupying the dwelling-house as his or her residence, may

(a)stay or suspend enforcement of the order, or

(b)postpone the date of possession,

(3) Any such adjournment as is referred to in paragraph (1) and any such stay,
suspension or postponement as is referred to in paragraph (2) may be made
subject to such conditions with regard to payment by the tenant or his or her
spouse of arrears of rent, rent or mesne profits and otherwise as the court
thinks fit.

(4) If any such conditions as are referred to in paragraph (3) are complied
with, the court may, if it thinks fit, discharge or rescind any such order as
is referred to in paragraph (2).

(5) Paragraphs (1) to (4) shall not apply if the circumstances are as
specified in any of the Cases in Part II of Schedule 4.

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