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Northern Irish Legislation

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29.(1) Where any rates in respect of a dwelling-house which is let on a
protected tenancy or subject to a statutory tenancy are borne by the landlord
or a superior landlord then, notwithstanding anything in the terms of the
contract of tenancy in question, the amount of rates, ascertained in
accordance with Schedule 7 for any rental period which is a statutory period
as defined in Article 24, shall be recoverable, without service of any notice
of increase, in addition to the sums recoverable from the tenant apart from
this paragraph.

(2) Where, under a protected or statutory tenancy, the sums payable by the
tenant to the landlord include any sums varying according to the cost from
time to time of

(a)any services provided by the landlord or a superior landlord; or

(b)any works of maintenance or repair carried out by the landlord or a
superior landlord.

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