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Northern Irish Legislation

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47.(1) If, after the service of an enforcement notice, planning permission is
granted for the retention on land of buildings or works, or for the
continuance of the use of land, to which the enforcement notice relates, the
enforcement notice shall cease to have effect in so far as it requires steps
to be taken for the demolition or alteration of those buildings or works or
the discontinuance of that use, as the case may be.

(2) If the planning permission granted as mentioned in paragraph (1) is
granted so as to permit the retention of buildings or works, or the
continuance of a use of land, without complying with some condition subject to
which a previous planning permission was granted, the enforcement notice shall
cease to have effect in so far as it requires steps to be taken for complying
with that condition.

(3) Paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be without prejudice to the liability of any
person for an offence in respect of a failure to comply with the enforcement
notice before the relevant provision of the enforcement notice ceased to have

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