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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> POLLUTION CONTROL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1978

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67.(1) A district council may make bye-laws

(a)for regulating the hours during which pleasure fairs may be open to the

(b)for securing safe and adequate means of ingress to, and egress from, any
pleasure fair;

(c)for the prevention and suppression of nuisances, and the preservation of
sanitary conditions, cleanliness, order and public safety, at any pleasure

(d)without prejudice to the generality of sub-paragraph (c), for the
prevention of outbreaks of fire which might endanger

(i)stands, stalls or other structures used or intended for use in connection
with any pleasure fair; or

(ii)caravans used or intended for use as sleeping accommodation in connection
with any pleasure fair;

(b)and for the reduction of the risks of, and the spread of fire from, such an

(2) Bye-laws made under this Article may provide that a person contravening
them shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
to a fine not exceeding #200 and, in the case of a continuing offence, a
further fine not exceeding #5 for each day on which the offence continues
after conviction.

(3) In this Article "pleasure fair" means any place which is for the time
being used wholly or mainly for providing, whether or not in combination with
any other entertainment, any entertainment to which this Article applies.

(4) The entertainments to which this Article applies are


(b)exhibitions of human beings or of performing animals;

(c)merry-go-rounds, roundabouts, swings, switchback railways;

(d)coco-nut shies, hoop-las, shooting galleries, bowling alleys;

(e)roller skating rinks;

(f)dodgems or other mechanical riding or driving contrivances;

(g)automatic or other machines intended for entertainment or amusement;

(h)anything similar to any of the foregoing.

(5) The Department shall be the Department concerned as respects bye-laws
under this Article and the Department shall not confirm any bye-law under this
Article unless satisfied that all bodies which appear to be representative of
the interests of those who carry on pleasure fairs and entertainments to which
this Article applies and, in the case of a bye-law made under paragraph
(1)(d), the Fire Authority for Northern Ireland have been consulted on the
matters dealt with by the bye-laws.

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