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Taxation of costs.

3. On application made to the taxing officer of the House by such promoters or
petitioners, or by their solicitors or parliamentary agents, not later than
six calendar months after the report of such committee, and in cases where no
sum shall have been named by the committee with the consent of the parties
affected, not until one month after a bill of such costs shall have been
delivered to the party chargeable therewith, which bill shall be sealed with
the seal or subscribed with the proper hand of the parties claiming such
costs, or of their solicitor or parliamentary agent, the taxing officer shall
examine and tax such costs, and shall deliver to the parties affected, or
either or any of them, on application, a certificate signed by himself
expressing the amount of such costs, or, in cases where a sum for costs shall
have been named by the committee with the consent as aforesaid, such sum as
shall have been so named, with the name of the party liable to pay the same,
and the name of the party entitled to receive the same; and such certificate
shall be conclusive evidence as well of the amount of the demand as of the
title of the party therein named to recover the same from the party therein
stated to be liable to the payment thereof; and the party claiming under the
same shall upon payment thereof give a receipt at the foot of such
certificate, which shall be a sufficient discharge for the same.

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