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Landlord's liability in virtue of obligation to repair.

4.(1) Where premises are occupied by any person under a tenancy which puts on
the landlord an obligation to that person for the maintenance or repair of the
premises, the landlord shall owe to all persons who or whose goods may from
time to time be lawfully on the premises the same duty, in respect of dangers
arising from any default by him in carrying out that obligation, as if he were
an occupier of the premises and those persons or their goods were there by his
invitation or permission (but without any contract).

(2) Where premises are occupied under a sub-tenancy, the foregoing sub-section
shall apply to any landlord of the premises (whether the immediate or a
superior landlord) on whom an obligation to the occupier for the maintenance
or repair of the premises is put by the sub-tenancy, and for that purpose any
obligation to the occupier which the sub-tenancy puts on a mesne landlord of
the premises, or is treated by virtue of this provision as putting on a mesne
landlord, shall be treated as put by it also on any landlord on whom the mesne
landlord's tenancy puts the like obligation towards the mesne landlord.

(3) For the purposes of this section, where premises comprised in a tenancy
(whether occupied under that tenancy or under a sub-tenancy) are put to a use
not permitted by the tenancy, and the landlord of whom they are held under the
tenancy is not debarred by his acquiescence or otherwise from objecting or
from enforcing his objection, then no persons or goods whose presence on the
premises is due solely to that use of the premises shall be deemed to be
lawfully on the premises as regards that landlord or any superior landlord of
the premises, whether or not they are lawfully there as regards an inferior

(4) For the purposes of this section, a landlord shall not be deemed to have
made default in carrying out any obligation to the occupier of the premises
unless his default is such as to be actionable at the suit of the occupier or,
in the case of a superior landlord whose actual obligation is to an inferior
landlord, his default in carrying out that obligation is actionable at the
suit of the inferior landlord.

(5) Nothing in this section shall relieve a landlord of any duty which he is
under apart from this section.

(6) For the purposes of this section, obligations imposed by any enactment in
virtue of a tenancy shall be treated as imposed by the tenancy, and "tenancy"
includes a statutory tenancy which does not in law amount to a tenancy, and
includes also any contract conferring a right of occupation, and "landlord"
shall be construed accordingly.

(7) This section applies to tenancies created before the commencement of
this Act, as well as to those created after its commencement.

Implied term in contracts.

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