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Northern Irish Legislation

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Working of mines and minerals by licensees and duty to give information respecting minerals.

13.(1) Without prejudice to any power conferred under section 11(1)(b), the
licensee under a prospecting licence shall work mines and minerals only to
such extent as is reasonably necessary for enabling him to ascertain the
existence, character, extent or value of the mines and minerals to which his
licence relates, and shall not sell or otherwise dispose of minerals worked by
him except for the purpose of ascertaining the character or value thereof.

(2) The licensee shall cause to be quantified (by weighing or in such other
manner as the Ministry may approve) all minerals worked by him and shall keep
records in the prescribed manner of all minerals worked or sold or otherwise
disposed of by him, and shall produce such records for inspection by any
authorised officer of the Ministry, when so required.

(3) The licensee shall keep the Ministry informed of any knowledge gained by
him as to the existence, character, extent or value of mines and minerals in
the lands to which the licence relates and of the result of any analysis,
test, trial or experiment carried out by him or on his behalf in relation to
such minerals.

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