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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LOCOMOTIVE THRESHING ENGINES ACT 1894

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Threshing engines to be exempt from previous penalties and restrictions.

2. Any provision in any Act contained prohibiting under penalty the erection
and use of any steam engine, gin, or other like machine or any machinery
attached thereto within the distance of twenty-five yards from any part of any
turnpike road, highway, carriageway, or cartway, unless such steam engine,
gin, or other like engine or machinery be within some house or other building,
or behind some fence, wall, or screen sufficient to conceal or screen the same
from such turnpike road, highway, carriageway, or cartway, shall not extend to
prohibit the use of any locomotive steam engine or any machinery attached
thereto for the purpose of threshing within such distance of any such turnpike
road, highway, carriageway, or cartway, provided that a person is stationed on
the road and employed for the purpose of signalling the driver of the engine
whenever it is necessary to stop the engine on account of the approach of a
horse, and of rendering assistance to the person in charge of the horse, and
that the driver of the engine stops the same when so signalled.

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