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26. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,

The term "extradition crime" means a crime which, if committed in England or
within English jurisdiction, would be one of the crimes described in the first
schedule to this Act:

The terms "conviction" and "convicted" do not include or refer to a conviction
which under foreign law is a conviction for contumacy, but the term "accused
person" includes a person so convicted for contumacy:

The term "fugitive criminal" means any person accused or convicted of an
extradition crime committed within the jurisdiction of any foreign state who
is in or is suspected of being in some part of Her Majesty's dominions; and
the term "fugitive criminal of a foreign state" means a fugitive criminal
accused or convicted of an extradition crime committed within the jurisdiction
of that state:

Definition rep. by SLR 1893 (No.2)

The term "police magistrate" means a chief magistrate of the metropolitan
police courts, or one of the other magistrates of the metropolitan police
court in Bow Street:

The term "warrant," in the case of any foreign state, includes any judicial
document authorizing the arrest of a person accused or convicted of crime.

Repeal of Acts in third schedule.

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