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Northern Irish Legislation

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Authentication of depositions and warrants.

15. Foreign warrants and depositions or statements on oath, and copies
thereof, and certificates of or judicial documents stating the fact of a
conviction, shall be deemed duly authenticated for the purposes of this Act if
authenticated in manner provided for the time being by law or authenticated as

(1)If the warrant purports to be signed by a judge, magistrate, or officer of
the foreign state where the same was issued;

(2)If the depositions or statements or the copies thereof purport to be
certified under the hand of a judge, magistrate, or officer of the foreign
state where the same were taken to be the original depositions or statements,
or to be true copies thereof, as the case may require; and

(3)If the certificate of or judicial document stating the fact of conviction
purports to be certified by a judge, magistrate, or officer of the foreign
state where the conviction took place; and

Jurisdiction as to crimes committed at sea.

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