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Evidence of adverse detention of goods.

50. Any person dissatisfied with an order, whether adverse to him or in his
favour, made by a county court in the exercise of any jurisdiction conferred
by this Act, or with the dismissal or refusal by the county court of any
action or application instituted by him under the provisions of this Act shall
be entitled to appeal from such order or from such dismissal or refusal as if
the order, dismissal or refusal had been made in exercise of the jurisdiction
conferred by Part III of the County Courts Act (Northern Ireland) 1959 and the
appeal brought under the County Court Appeals Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 and
sections 2 (cases stated by county court judge) and 3 (cases stated by assize
judge or High Court on appeal from county court) of the last-mentioned Act
shall apply accordingly.

1959 c.25

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