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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> HIRE-PURCHASE ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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33.(1) Goods shall be protected in the manner provided by this Part and are in
this Part referred to as "protected goods" if for the time being the following
conditions are fulfilled, that is to say

(a)that the goods have been let under a hire-purchase agreement, or agreed to
be sold under a conditional sale agreement;

(b)that one-third of the hire-purchase price or total purchase price has been
paid (whether in pursuance of a judgment or otherwise) or tendered by or on
behalf of the hirer or buyer or a guarantor; and

(c)that the hirer or buyer has not terminated the hire-purchase agreement or
conditional sale agreement, or (in the case of a hire-purchase agreement) the
bailment, by virtue of any right vested in him.

(2) In this Part "the agreement", in relation to any protected goods, means
the hire-purchase agreement or conditional sale agreement in respect of which
those conditions are fulfilled.

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