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Northern Irish Legislation

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Swine found on canal banks may be seized, killed, or carried away, if not under the care of a driver, or with rings in their noses.

9. It shall and may be lawful for the said directors, and also for all and
every company of undertakers or proprietors of any other canal or inland
navigation in Ireland, whenever they shall deem it expedient or necessary so
to do, to issue orders in writing under their hand and seal to the several
lock-keepers and other officers of the several navigations, now vested or
hereafter to become vested in them the said directors or in any such company
of undertakers or proprietors, to seize, kill, or carry away, and it shall and
may be lawful for such lock-keepers and other officers, when so thereunto
ordered, to seize, kill, and carry away all swine found roaming at large on
any part of the banks of any canal or navigation or off-branch thereof vested
or to be vested in the said directors or in any such company of undertakers or
proprietors, unless such swine shall have one or more driver or drivers
attending on, or person or persons in charge of them, who shall be actually
driving the same, and who shall prevent them from doing mischief to or
injuring any such navigation, or unless such swine shall have iron rings or
staples in their noses.

Ss.1013 rep. by SLR 1873. Ss.1421 rep. by 1953 c.5 (NI) s.1 sch. S.22 rep. by
SLR 1873

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