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Northern Irish Legislation

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Expenses of suing treasurers and contractors, &c.

117. It shall be lawful for any county council to resolve that there shall be
levied ... such sum or sums of money as may be necessary or shall have been
expended for or in suing any treasurer or collector of any public money, or
any of their sureties, executors, or administrators, for any misconduct,
breach of duty, or nonpayment, or for recovering any public money from any
treasurer, or collector, or their sureties, executors, or administrators, or
for suing any contractor under this Act or under any Order in Council under
the Act, his sureties, executors or administrators, for any breach of
contract; provided that no such resolution shall be passed, unless, together
with the notice of the application for such payment there shall have been laid
before a quarterly meeting of the proposal committee to whom such application
shall be referred a bill duly taxed and certified by the proper taxing officer
of the costs incurred for any of the purposes aforesaid for which such
application shall be made, nor unless it shall be proved that such costs could
not be recovered from the person sued, or any other person liable to pay the
same, and that the proceeding was instituted by the direction of a county

Ss.118166 rep. by 1873 c.51 s.3; SLR 1874; 1877 c.27 s.10 sch.1; SLR 1891; SLR
1898 c.37 s.110(2) sch.6 Pt.I; SLR (NI) 1954; 1956 c.19 (NI) s.1(2) sch.; 1962
c.12 (NI) s.25(4); 1968 c.9 (NI) s.13 sch.2; 1969 c.30 (NI) s.132 sch.6; 1972
c.9 (NI) s.149 sch.9; 1972 NI 16 art.63(3) sch.19; SRO (NI) 1973/285; 1980 NI
11 art.64(2) sch.9

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