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Northern Irish Legislation

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The Two Companies to maintain Proof House and Branch Proof Houses.

92. The Two Companies respectively shall from time to time maintain a proper
public Proof House in or near London and Birmingham respectively, and every
Branch Proof House provided by them respectively, except during the time such
Branch Proof House shall be lawfully discontinued as a proper public Proof
House, and shall maintain the same Proof House and Branch Proof House
respectively with all things necessary for proving barrels thereat, and shall
at all times keep the same respectively in proper order and condition for the
proving of all barrels from time to time duly brought thereto for proof
thereat, and shall keep at their respective Proof House, and may, if they
think fit, keep at every or any Branch Proof House provided by them
respectively, a set of standard plugs to determine the size of the barrels;
but the Two Companies respectively from time to time may limit the right of
user of any Branch Proof House provided by them respectively to the proving
thereat of such barrels as they respectively think fit, so as they
respectively give public notice of every such limitation by advertisement

(a)in the London, Edinburgh and Belfast Gazettes;

(b)in a local newspaper circulating in Birmingham;

(c)in daily newspapers circulating generally in England and Wales, in Scotland
and in Northern Ireland respectively].

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