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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GUN BARREL PROOF ACT 1868

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Property in forged stamps, &c. vested in the Company first claiming the same.

128. The property in every forged or counterfeit stamp heretofore or now or
hereafter provided or used by either of the Two Companies, and in every part
of every such forged or counterfeit stamp, and in every barrel having
thereupon any mark of any such forged or counterfeit stamp or part of a stamp,
and in every barrel having thereupon any forged or counterfeit mark or
imitation of a mark, or of any stamp or any part of any stamp heretofore or
now or hereafter provided or used by either of the Two Companies, and in every
mark of any such stamp or part of a stamp so transposed or removed or cut or
severed from any barrel, and in every barrel from which any mark of any such
stamp or part of a stamp is removed or transposed, cut, or severed, and in
every barrel to or upon which any such mark is removed, transposed, or
affixed, and in every small arm and part of a small arm of which any such
barrel shall form part, is by this Act vested absolutely in such one of the
Two Companies as first claims the same; provided that any such vesting shall
not exempt any person from... any legal consequences under this Act.[

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