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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GUN BARREL PROOF ACT 1868

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Sending for proof barrels containing explosive substances to be an offence liable to life imprisonment.

123. If any person knowingly send for proof at the Proof House or any Branch
Proof House of either of the Two Companies any barrel containing any explosive
substance, or any other matter calculated by explosion or otherwise to
occasion injury to any peson handling or having to do with the barrel for the
purposes of proof or otherwise, every person so sending the barrel containing
the explosive substance or other matter, and every person putting into the
barrel before or when it is so sent the explosive substance or other matter,
and every person causing, procuring, or knowingly permitting any such offence
or an attempt at any such offence, or in any way aiding or abetting therein
respectively, or knowing that any such offence or attempt has been or is about
to be committed or attempted to be committed, and not using his best
endeavours to give warning thereof to some officer employed at the Proof House
or Branch Proof House to which the barrel is so sent or attempted to be sent,
shall be [guilty of an offence and liable on conviction on indictment to
imprisonment for life].

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