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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GUN BARREL PROOF ACT 1868

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How far Act shall extend to barrels made for Her Majesty's Forces, &c.

119. This Act shall not extend to compel the proving or marking as proved of
any military barrel made for the use of Her Majesty's forces or for the late
Honourable East India Company while it is the property of Her Majesty, nor to
any such barrel after it has ceased to belong to Her Majesty, so long as it
shall bear, in addition to a proof mark authorized by [the Ministry of
Defence], the letter S struck (prior to such cesser) over or upon the broad
arrow or some part thereof by the said [Ministry]; and if any such barrel,
after it has ceased to belong to Her Majesty, shall not so bear such letter S,
but shall so bear the letter O, this Act shall only compel the proving and
marking as proved of such last mentioned barrel in manner and to the extent in
that behalf in Schedule B to this Act annexed specified; but if any such
barrel as in this clause first mentioned, after it has ceased to belong to Her
Majesty, shall not so bear such letter S or such letter O, it shall (whether
it shall or shall not bear a proof mark authorized by [the Ministry of
Defence]) be deemed an unproved barrel under this Act: provided always, that
the officers of the [Secretary of State] may apply the letters S and O
respectively to such of the military barrels in this enactment mentioned as
the said Secretary of State shall think fit; and if any person, without lawful
authority, proof of which authority shall lie on the party accused, applies
those marks or either of them over or upon the broad arrow in or on any such
military barrel he shall be [guilty of an offence and liable on conviction on
indictment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.]

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