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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GAMING ACT 1845

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Penalties on gaming house keepers, &c. convicted before justices.

4. The owner or keeper of any common gaming house, and every person having the
care or management thereof, and also every banker, croupier, and other person
who shall act in any manner in conducting the business of any common gaming
house, shall, on conviction thereof by his own confession, or by the oath of
one or more credible witnesses, before any two justices of the peace,... be
liable to forfeit and pay such penalty, not more than one hundred pounds, as
shall be adjudged by the justices before whom he shall be convicted, or, in
the discretion of the justices before whom he shall be convicted, may be
committed to [prison]... for any time not more than six calendar months;...:
Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any proceeding by
indictment against the owner or keeper or other person having the care or
management of a common gaming house; but no person who shall have been
summarily convicted of any such offence shall be liable to be proceeded
against by indictment for the same offence.

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