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Northern Irish Legislation

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Distress not unlawful for want of form, &c.

21. When any distress shall be made for any money to be levied by virtue of
the warrant of any justice under this Act, the distress shall not be deemed
unlawful, nor shall any party making the same be deemed a trespasser, on
account of any defect or want of form in the information, summons, warrant of
apprehension, conviction, warrant of distress, or other proceeding relating
thereto, nor shall such party be deemed a trespasser from the beginning on
account of any irregularity which shall be afterwards committed by him, but
all persons aggrieved by such defect or irregularity may recover full
satisfaction for the special damage by an action on the case in any of Her
Majesty's courts of record.

Ss.22, 23 rep. by SLR 1894. S.25 rep. by SL(R) 1976. S.26 rep. by SLR 1875

To the constable

Whereas it appears to me, J.P., one of the justices of our lady the Queen assigned to keep the peace in the said county, by the information on oath of A.B. of               , in the county of          , yeoman, that the house [room or place] known as [here insert a description of the house, room or place, by which it may be readily known and found,] is kept and used as a common gaming house within the meaning of the Gaming Act, 1845.

This is, therefore, in the name of our lady the Queen, to require you, with such assistants as you may find necessary, to enter into the said house [room or place], and, if necessary, to use force for making such entry, whether by breaking open doors or otherwise, and there diligently to search for all instruments of unlawful gaming which may be therein, and to arrest, search, and bring before me, or some other of the justices of our lady the Queen assigned to keep the peace within the county of          , as well the keepers of the same as also the persons there haunting, resorting and playing, to be dealt with according to law; and for so doing this shall be your warrant.

Given under my hand and seal at <,in

the county of <,thisday



Second Schedule rep. by SLR 1893 (No.2)

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