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Existing societies and branches.

9.(1) Any society or branch which at the date immediately before the passing
of this Act was registered or deemed to be registered under the
Friendly Societies Act 1896 (in this Act referred to as "the Act of 1896"),
being a society or branch whose registered office was at that date situate in
Northern Ireland, shall be deemed to be registered under this Act; and

(a)any acknowledgment of registry of that society or branch issued by virtue
of section 11 or 12(2) of the Act of 1896 shall be deemed to be an
acknowledgment of the registration under this Act of that society or branch
and, by virtue of section 10 of this Act, of the rules of the society or
branch in force at the date of the acknowledgment;

(b)any acknowledgment of registry of an amendment of the rules of the society
or branch issued by virtue of section 13 of the Act of 1896 shall be deemed to
be an acknowledgment of the registration of that amendment under this Act;

(c)any change in the name of the society duly made before the passing of
this Act in accordance with section 69 of the Act of 1896 as in force at the
time of the change, and any change in the situation of the registered office
of the society or branch of which notice was duly given before that date under
section 24 of that Act shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be a
duly registered amendment of the rules of the society or branch.

(2) The Ministry may amend any authority given to a specially authorised
society under paragraph (5) of section 8 of the Act of 1896 and, until an
amendment under this subsection alters the references to provisions of that
Act in any such authority, the authority shall have effect as if references to
the corresponding provisions of this Act were substituted for the references
to the provisions of the Act of 1896.

Acknowledgment of registration of rules.

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