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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1970

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Power of member to nominate person to receive sums payable on his death.

58.(1) If any member of a registered society or branch entitled from the funds
thereof to a sum not exceeding #500 (or such higher amount as may be
substituted under section 6(1) of the Administration of Estates (Small
Payments) Act (Northern Ireland) 1967) dies without having made any nomination
thereof then subsisting, the society or branch may, without letters of
administration or probate of any will, distribute the sum among such persons
as appear to the committee, upon such evidence as it may deem satisfactory, to
be entitled by law to receive that sum.

(2) If any such member is illegitimate and dies intestate, the society or
branch may pay the sum of money mentioned in subsection (1) to or among the
persons who, in the opinion of the committee, would be entitled thereto if
that member had been legitimate.

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