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Northern Irish Legislation

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Copies of annual return to be supplied on demand.

37.(1) On the application of a member or person interested in its funds a
registered society or branch shall supply to him free of charge either

(a)a copy of the last annual return of the society or branch; or

(b)a balance sheet or other document duly audited containing the same
particulars relating to the affairs of the society or branch as are contained
in the annual return.

(2) Together with every copy of an annual return supplied in accordance with
paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and together with every balance sheet or other
document supplied in accordance with paragraph (b) of that subsection, a
registered society or branch shall provide a copy of the report of the
auditors on the accounts and balance sheet contained in the return or on the
balance sheet or document supplied, as the case may require.

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