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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FOREIGN MARRIAGE ACT 1892

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Marriage fees to marriage officer and registration of marriages.

9.(1) The marriage officer shall be entitled, for every marriage solemnised
under this Act by him or in his presence, to have from the parties married the
proper fee.

(2) He shall forthwith register in duplicate every such marriage in two
marriage register books, which shall be furnished to him from time to time for
that purpose by the Registrar-General (through a Secretary of State),
according to the form provided by law for the registration of marriages in
England, or as near to that form as the difference of the circumstances

(3) The entry in each book of every such marriage shall be signed by the
marriage officer, by the person solemnising the marriage, if other than the
marriage officer, by both the parties married, and by two witnesses of the

(4) All such entries shall be made in regular order from the beginning to the
end of each book, and the number of the entry in each duplicate shall be the

(5) The marriage officer by whom or in whose presence a marriage is solemnised
under this Act may ask of the parties to be married the several particulars
required to be registered touching the marriage.

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