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Registration of marriages solemnised under local law.

18.(1) Subject to the marriage regulations, a British consul, or person
authorised to act as British consul, on being satisfied by personal attendance
that a marriage between parties, of whom one at least is a British subject,
has been duly solemnised in a foreign country, in accordance with the local
law of the country, and on payment of the proper fee, may register the
marriage in accordance with the marriage regulations as having been so
solemnised, and thereupon this Act shall apply as if the marriage had been
registered in pursuance of this Act, except that nothing in this Act shall
affect the validity of the marriage so solemnised.

[(2) In the case of such marriages solemnised as aforesaid at which a British
consul, or person authorised to act as British consul, has not attended, His
Majesty may by Order in Council provide in such classes of cases, and subject
to such conditions, as may be prescribed by the Order

(a)for the transmission to and receipt by the Registrars-General of Births,
Deaths and Marriages in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, respectively,
of certificates of such marriages issued in accordance with the local law; and

(b)for the issue by those Registrars-General, on payment of such fees as may
be prescribed by the Order, of certified copies of such certificates received
by them, and for enabling such certified copies to be received in evidence.

(3) Any Order in Council made under the foregoing provisions of this section
may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council, and any Order in
Council made under this section shall be laid forthwith before each House of

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