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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISH INDUSTRY ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1972

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6. A scheme made under this Act

(a)shall be made by the Ministry with the approval of the Ministry of Finance;

Para.(b) rep. by 1979 NI 12 art.11(2) sch.5

(c)shall be subject to affirmative resolution;

(d)shall specify

(i)the amounts of any grants or loans to be made under the scheme or the
manner in which any such amount is to be computed;

(ii)the terms and conditions under which any grant or loan is to be made;

<(iii)in the case where the scheme makes provision for the making of a loan, the security for the loan;

(e)shall provide for the avoidance of double payments where a person is
entitled under any other statutory provision to a payment for a purpose
similar to the purpose mentioned in the scheme;

(f)may provide for the repayment and recovery of grants or loans in such
circumstances and in such manner as may be specified in or under the scheme;

(g)without prejudice to section 17(2) of the Interpretation Act (Northern
Ireland) 1954, may be revoked by an order made by the Ministry subject to
negative resolution.

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