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8.(1) The Ministry is hereby authorised to enter into an agreement (in
this Act referred to as the vesting agreement) with the Minister and
the Irish Society in the terms of the draft set out in the Second Schedule to
this Act.

(2) On the date of execution of the vesting agreement this sub-section shall
operate to vest in the Ministry and the Minister an absolute and indefeasible
title to the fee simple in possession of all rights of fishing in the tidal
portions of the Lough and River Foyle and of its tributary, the River Faughan,
freed and discharged from all estates, titles, interests, incumbrances,
rights, liberties and privileges whatsoever by whomsoever held, used,
exercised or enjoyed, except the rentcharges referred to in the vesting
agreement but indemnified therefrom as therein provided.

(3) Sub-section (2) of this section shall not apply to a right vested,
immediately before the date of execution of the vesting agreement, in any
person, other than the Irish Society, to use a fixed engine under certificate
granted under section six of the Salmon Fishery (Ireland) Act, 1863.

(4) On the date of execution of the vesting agreement this sub-section shall
operate to extinguish all the estate, right, title and interest of
the Irish Society in and to the tidal portions of the Lough and River Foyle
and of its tributary, the River Faughan, and the ground, soil and foreshore of
those tidal portions.

(5) The vesting agreement shall operate, without further assurance, to convey,
assign and transfer, on the date of the making thereof, to the Ministry and
the Minister all the property thereby agreed to be sold, other than rights of
fishing to which sub-section (2) of this section applies.

(6) The Irish Society shall, notwithstanding any limitations on its powers,
have power to enter into the vesting agreement without the consent of any

(7) It shall be the duty of the Ministry and the Irish Society, and each such
party is hereby empowered, to carry out the vesting agreement so far as the
provisions thereof are to be performed by such party.

Subs.(8)(9) spent

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