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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FOYLE FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1952

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27.(1) The annual close season in the Foyle Area shall be the period
prescribed for that purpose or, if no period is prescribed, the period
beginning on the first day of September and ending on the fourteenth day of
April next following.

(2) The annual close season for angling in the Foyle Area shall be the period
prescribed for that purpose, or, if no period is prescribed, the period
beginning on the thirteenth day of October and ending on the thirty-first day
of January next following.

(3) The weekly close time in the Foyle Area shall be the period prescribed for
that purpose or, if no period is prescribed, the period beginning at 6 o'clock
a.m. on Saturday and ending at 6 o'clock a.m. on the following Monday.

(4) Different periods may be prescribed under this section in respect of
different parts of the Foyle Area and, where a period is so prescribed for a
particular part of that area, references in this Act to the annual close
season, the annual close season for angling or the weekly close time shall, as
the case may require, be construed in relation to that part as references to
the period so prescribed.

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