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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FOYLE FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1952

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22.(1).... in every... fishery year, the Commission shall, on or before the
thirty-first day of December, make a rate of an amount equal to [seven pence]
in the pound on every fishery (other than a fishery of which the Commission is
the occupier) in the Londonderry Area on the net annual value thereof
appearing in [the valuation list maintained under the Rates (Northern Ireland)
Order 1977 as in force at the commencement of the fishery year in question].

(2) Every rate under this section shall be paid by the several persons liable
therefor in two moieties on the first day of April and the first day of
September in the fishery year for which the rate is payable and shall be so
paid over and above all or any licence fees paid by those persons under
this Act for that or any other fishery year.

(3) A person who is liable to be rated under this Act in respect of a fishery
shall, in respect of that fishery, be exempt from liability for [regional rate
and district rate].

Subs.(4) rep. by 1972 NI 22 art.12 sch.2

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