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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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Compilation and publication of angling guide.

7.(1) The Ministry may enter into arrangements with persons claiming to be
entitled to fishing rights in any waters for such persons to supply to
the Ministry

(a)particulars as to

(i)the availability or otherwise of any such waters for angling by members of
the public; and

(ii)the terms upon which waters are made so available; and

(b)such other information in relation to those waters as may appear to
the Ministry to be of interest to persons wishing to engage in angling

(2) The Ministry may publish, or may enter into arrangements with any body
established under any enactment for the promotion of the development of
tourist traffic in Northern Ireland for the publication of, any particulars or
information supplied to the Ministry under subsection (1), in the form of an
angling guide.

(3) Where the Ministry supplies to any persons copies of an angling guide
published by the Ministry under this section, it may make such reasonable
charges therefor as will defray any expenses incurred by the Ministry in
relation to the preparation and publication of the guide.

General power for stocking of waters.

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