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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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Payment of grants and execution of works for the development, etc., of waters for angling.

5.(1) The Ministry, upon the application of

(a)any person who is, by virtue of his ownership of any fishing rights, for
the time being entitled to take fish in any inland waters; or

(b)any association of persons established for the purpose of developing or
improving any waters for angling,

(i)make grants to that person or association towards any expenditure
reasonably incurred by him or them for the purposes of developing or improving
any such waters for angling or of providing or improving facilities or
amenities for anglers on or in connection with such waters;

(ii)cause such works to be executed and do such things as are expedient for
any such purposes.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (i) of subsection (1),
the purposes for which grants may be made under that paragraph or for which
works may be executed or any thing done under paragraph (ii) of that
subsection shall include the doing of any thing which may, under section 2(2)
and (3), be done by the Ministry in the case of waters the fishing rights in
respect of which are owned by the Ministry.

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