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20.(1) The Ministry may cause local or other inquiries to be held or
investigations to be made in relation to the fisheries of Northern Ireland or
any of them and the best means to be adopted for the management, conservation,
protection or improvement thereof, or in relation to the operation of
this Act.

(2) This section shall not be construed as empowering the Ministry to cause
inquiries to be held or investigations to be made in any case in relation to
which the Foyle Fisheries Commission is authorised to hold inquiries under
section 80 of the Foyle Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1952.

[(3) Without prejudice to subsection (1), the Department may, with respect to
any fish farm for which a fish culture licence under section 11 is in force
(including any fishery for which a shell-fish fishery licence is also in
force), make such inquiries and examination by an inspector or otherwise, and
require from the holder of the licence such information, as the Department
considers necessary or proper, and the holder of the licence shall afford all
facilities for such inquiries and examination, and give such information,

(4) Without prejudice to any provision of Part XI, for the purpose of an
examination under subsection (3) an officer authorised in writing in that
behalf by the Department, on production if so required of his credentials, may
at any reasonable time

(a)enter any place specified in a fish culture licence under section 11
authorising the operation of a fish farm and any area specified in a
shell-fish fishery licence; and

(b)examine that place or land within that area and all fish, buildings,
structures, rafts, trays, devices and things found there; and

(c)obtain, take away and dispose of samples (which shall be marked, labelled
or otherwise made capable of identification) of any fish, or of any water or
other substance, found there;

Notice of meetings and inquiries.

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