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Jurisdiction in offences committed at sea.

188.(1) Where any part of a petty sessions district adjoins the sea coast or
any estuary, the jurisdiction of any court of summary jurisdiction sitting for
that district or of any resident magistrate or justice of the peace having
authority in that district shall extend to all offences under any provision of
this Act committed by any person at sea, in the same manner as it extends to
offences committed on land within that district.

(2) Any court of summary jurisdiction or any resident magistrate or justice of
the peace referred to in subsection (1) may do all or any of the following
acts or things in relation to any such offence as is mentioned in that
subsection in like manner as it or he has power to do so in relation to
offences committed or goods or chattels situate on land within the petty
sessions district for which that court sits or in which that magistrate or
justice has authority

(a)issue warrants for the arrest of any person so offending, whether such
person be on land at any place or at sea;

(b)employ any person or any ways and means which may be lawfully employed for
making such arrest;

(c)exercise all lawful powers and remedies for the apprehension, committal or
punishment of persons so offending;

(d)exercise all lawful powers and remedies for the seizure at sea of the boat,
goods and chattels of any person so offending.

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