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Northern Irish Legislation

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124.(1) The Department may make such regulations as appear to it to be
expedient for the management, conservation, protection, improvement or
increase of sea-fisheries in waters within British fishery limits which are
adjacent to Northern Ireland.

(2) Without prejudice to subsection (1), regulations may be made for the
following purposes

(a)the registry of sea-fishing boats;

(b)the regulation of fishing and the preservation of good order among persons
engaged therein;

(c)prohibiting, either absolutely or in the absence of compliance with
conditions specified in the regulations, the taking of sea-fish of any
description at any time or season or of sea-fish in any condition, and the
having on board a sea-fishing boat of any such fish, and specifying conditions
on which fish taken in contravention of the regulations may be retained (and
the taking and having of them therefore excused);

(d)prohibiting in any area specified in the regulations, either without
limitation of time or for any period so specified,

(i)all fishing for sea-fish;

(ii)fishing for sea-fish of any description;

<(iii)fishing for sea-fish, or sea-fish of any description, by any method so specified,

(d)by any sea-fishing boat or by a sea-fishing boat of any description;

(e)fixing the times, seasons and places in which fishing engines or gear of
any description may not be on board a sea-fishing boat or used;

(f)prohibiting the possession or use of fishing engines or gear of any
description or the use of such engines or gear otherwise than in the manner
prescribed by the regulations;

(g)prohibiting any practice whatsoever tending to impede the lawful capture of
sea-fish or to be in any manner detrimental to the fisheries.

(3) If any person contravenes a regulation made under this section he shall be
guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding #1,000; and if in the case of any sea-fishing boat there is a
contravention of such a regulation, the master, and the charterer, if any, of
the boat, or, if there is no charterer, the owner shall each be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding

S.125 rep. by 1981 NI 7 art.10(4) sch.5[

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