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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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107. In this Act the expression "the annual close season for eels" means in
relation to any locality and for the purposes of the taking of eels by means
of a fishing engine of any description, other than rod and line, the period
during which it is declared by a regulation under section 15 for the time
being in force and applicable to that locality to be unlawful to fish for or
take eels by means of a fishing engine of that description, or if no period is
so prescribed,

(a)in relation to the taking of eels by means of [fishing engines which are
erected or hung in fishing weirs or are] fixed engines (other than long
lines), the period from 9th January in any year to 31st May in that year; and

(b)in relation to the taking of eels by any means other than a fishing engine
to which paragraph (a) applies (except by rod and line), the period from 9th
January in any year to 30th April in that year.

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